By Daniel Greenfield
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“It is outrageous to think that the Chinese police would attempt to set up shop, you know, in New York, let’s say, without proper coordination,” FBI Director Chris Wray told a Senate Homeland Security committee hearing about a Chinese police station operating in New York City.

According to Wray, the FBI was “looking into the legal parameters” of a Communist security force running operations in one of America’s centers of finance and technology. As if the issue with an enemy nation putting boots on the ground in one of our cities is the lack of “proper coordination”.

Wray has already said that the FBI has over 2,000 China cases and that it opens a new one every 12 hours. The DOJ states that, “About 80 percent of all economic espionage prosecutions brought by the Department of Justice allege conduct that would benefit the Chinese state, and there is at least some nexus to China in around 60 percent of all trade secret theft cases.”

What’s happening to all of these cases? They’re not a priority for an administration which, under Biden and Garland, is obsessed with arresting and prosecuting conservatives instead.

These are not just issues that affect big business.

“China’s fast hacking program is the world’s largest, and they have stolen more of Americans’ personal and business data than every other nation combined,” Wray admitted.

So why instead is the FBI running around raiding the homes of non-violent pro-life protesters at gunpoint and falsely claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop was foreign disinformation?

Chinese Communist operatives are not just robbing American blind from abroad, they’ve got boots on the ground in the United States. They’ve attacked, terrorized and spied on political dissidents. One of their organizations was linked to a mass shooting in a church.

And all Wray can do is have the FBI investigate the “legal parameters” of that sort of thing.

But the Biden administration sharply constrained the ability of government agencies to go after Communist China.

Earlier this year, Biden’s DOJ shut down the China Initiative, falsely implying that it was racist.

“Anything that creates the impression that the Department of Justice applies different standards based on race or ethnicity harms the department and our efforts, and it harms the public,”

Assistant Attorney General for National Security Matthew Olsen, a member of Biden’s transition team who had been tasked with Holder’s push to dismantle Gitmo under Obama, claimed.

The China Initiative busted plenty of Chinese nationals and American collaborators without regard to ethnicity. These included Harvard University professor Dr. Charles Lieber, Dr. James Patrick Lewis of West Virginia, ex-DIA officer Ron Rockwell Hansen, Candace Marie Clairborne of the State Department, ex-CIA officer Kevin Patrick Mallory and the Van Andel Institute.

Racism was a pretext for the Biden administration enabling China’s espionage operations.

That is the point that David Horowitz recently made in Save America I.

Save America I is the first part of a multi-part series delving into the urgent threats to its survival that the nation faces. These include not only Communist China, but the domestic collaborators who have enabled its rise, its growth and its dominance even in our own cities.

“The president and his criminal family have been paid millions by the Chinese Communists. For what? What exactly is the quid pro quo for the millions that wound up in Biden’s pockets? No one with the power to investigate or prosecute is asking,” Horowitz wrote.

Director Wray discussed Chinese police stations in America as part of “uncoordinated law, quote unquote, law enforcement action, right here in the United States, harassing, stalking, surveilling, blackmailing people who they just don’t like or who disagree with the XI regime.”

That’s a very polite way of describing an enemy nation openly conducting intelligence operations, including surveillance and recruiting agents, on our home soil.

When the Soviet Union did it, we did not describe it as “uncoordinated law enforcement actions”.

The problem is not that Communist China hasn’t bothered to inform the FBI of what it’s doing, but that our government has failed to treat it like a foreign threat and respond appropriately.

Director Wray describes Americans recruited to spy on United States citizens for Communist China as “essentially” agents, rather than just agents. After the Biden administration forced the DOJ to dismantle its China Initiative, law enforcement personnel are reduced to complaining that China didn’t tell us ahead of time that it’s planting bugs and sending thugs in New York City.

We’ve lost sovereignty over one of our own major cities. And no one will even ask Biden about it. And Biden isn’t about to ask Xi to stop. During his meeting with the Communist dictator, Biden asked Xi about global warming, but failed to discuss China’s hacking operations, drug smuggling or operations on American soil. That’s not even appeasement, it’s treason.

Trump pushed to end China’s control over TikTok in the United States. Biden did the bidding of Hunter’s old bosses by allowing Beijing to retain control over TikTok despite clear evidence from whistleblowers that the company’s Chinese operations can track Americans and access their data.

Director Wray warned that TikTok apps could be used to compromise most of the phones and devices that run them.

“Let me just be clear,” Senator Tom Cotton, who sits on the Select Committee on Intelligence, warned. “If you have TikTok on your device, you should delete it from your device. And even better, you should go and buy a new device.”

Instead, Biden is promoting himself on TikTok.

Kemba Walden, Biden’s Deputy National Cyber Director, claimed that her administration doesn’t “want to take a reactionary posture in developing policy. We don’t want transgressors to set our agenda”, instead she urges to “let the transgressors chase us”.

So far letting China chase us has led to suicides and suffering for American teens, to the massive theft of intellectual property and the undermining of our national security.

When Communist China openly operates on our soil, that’s not a case of letting them “chase us”. It means that they’ve caught us beginning with Biden and his corrupt family.

Like any third world country, the Chinese came here, they bribed our political, financial and cultural elites, while setting clear expectations for compliance from Hollywood, which now runs its scripts past Communist censors, to the NBA, which takes a knee for Xi, to Big Tech which puts its dealings with China ahead of the welfare of our country and their customers.

Biden is the worst example of this corruption. His administration dismantled successful programs aimed at rolling back Chinese Communist influence and replaced them with appeasement.

“Influence peddling deals with Moscow and Beijing have made the whole Biden family — Joe, Jill, Jim, Hunter & more — wealthy. And have put information in the hands of their Russian and Chinese handlers that could destroy the lives, wealth and reputations of the whole lot in one stroke,” Horowitz warns in Save America I.

Communist China is not the only threat, but David Horowitz’s call to arms in Save America I is a warning that we ignore the threat from Beijing and its D.C. collaborators at our own peril.