Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
Ezekiel 33:11
If the fire in California is believed to be God’s judgement or even the result of rejection of Him we should weep not rejoice. To think their sin is worse than any other state is foolish. Right here in Texas is the number one child sex trafficking city in the nation. Until 2022 Texas was the second most prolific baby killing state in the union. To this day it’s Texas school curriculum that has aided in the advancement of Islam in this nation by joining with California. When Jeff Younger tried to stop the chemical castration of his five year old son Texas Supreme Court and Governor Greg Abbott refused to stop it, instead ruling against him. In the governor’s case he refused to take a meeting. Texas has led the nation in illegal immigration and our governor and those before him only feigned to do something during election years. Texas schools are filled with pornographic material and exposure starts at 4 years old. Let’s also not forget Texans are among those languishing in prisons as POW’s from erroneous J6 prosecutions and our Governor has done nothing to stop the kidnapping of our citizens by the federal government.
With the mercy we judge we will be judged. There is no doubt California with its radical trans policy and judicial system has walked away from God. However, revival has been there as well. God chastises those He loves and we should be praying for all the devastation that has been happening to our nation. We should have love and grace for those who have lost everything. Our entire nation has earned God’s wrath and yet we are experiencing so much of His mercy.
In the midst of devastating floods, fires and terrorist attacks, we find stories of God‘s divine intervention, his mercy, his love and his grace. These fires and the floods remind us that no one no matter there celebrity or economic status is beyond having their lives radically changed in an instant. That in those moments, we must all remember to turn our eyes to our heavenly father. As one who has suffered the effects of a devastating life-changing, catastrophic accident I can tell you that in the weeks and even months and now years, since that accident, I can reflect upon how fragile life is, and I can testify to the moments when just drawing that next breath was literally all that I could think of And my very existence was dependent upon faith and upon the foundation that had been laid, trust in God. So my prayer for us as a nation is that we will repent and turn our eyes back to our heavenly father through Jesus Christ, our Lord. I hope that you will join me in that prayer. I am also praying for peace, safety, protection and comfort for those who have lost everything whether in Asheville NC, the Hills of Tennessee, the coast of Florida or Southern California. May the Prince of Peace visit upon them and may we be mindful of the judgement we deserve. God bless you as you reflect on these words. Amen!