Over 1200 Churches and 40,000 Members
Stop Child sex trafficking and organ harvesting in Punjab
Greetings Friends!
I am excited to share that we have experienced truly amazing growth n our ministry and we are grateful to those who have prayed and have given to make this possible. In April of 2019 I was contacted by Pastor Samuel Soni. He had been a friend on Facebook since 2011 but we had had little contact. When I was in the accident in July 2017, my family posted updates so people could be praying for my survival. Pastor Samuel had followed my recovery and seen what I had survived. He did not approach me for money but for mentoring. He saw God’s hand on my life and wanted me to share with him how faith and the Holy Spirit had saved me. He then asked if I would please share with his Pastors my testimony, as he believed that it would be an encouragement to them. At that time he had 60 Pastors and unbeknownst to me had reached a place of considering shutting down after ten years of labor, because he could bot feed his family. In addition to the Pastors he had an orphanage with 10 orphans and a bible school with 20 students that would graduate each year.
So we began having small meetings in private homes with the Pastors. From the beginning Pastor Samuel was concerned about integrity and wanted me to be confident I was actually speaking to an audience. He would rent a projector and borrow a laptop. During the meeting my image and the slide show would be projected onto a wall in the room and the laptop would be turned so that I could see the audience. Immediately God began to touch lives and many of the Pastors received healings. This caused quite a stir and homeowners were calling asking for a meeting in their homes. On about our fourth meeting which was in October of 2019 we met in another home. Unbeknownst to me or Pastor Samuel the wife of a member of the Indian National Congress Party who had heard about the meetings and how the Christian God was moving. Her husband had been put in prison and told he would not receive a bail hearing for a year because he had confessed to being a Christian. As I had been doing I shared a slide show of my testimony and shared briefly and then began to pray. This was our pattern at this time, that I would share my testimony, speak briefly and then pray as the Holy Spirit would led me. I had no idea about this woman or her husband but felt the urging of the Holy Spirit to pray like they prayed for Peter and John to be released from prison. So few minutes later I was impressed to pray for a business man. Bear in mind I believe that I am only ministering to Pastors, so these two impressions are not in line with my natural thoughts. I tested the Spirit according to 1 John 4 and prayed as instructed. As was our pattern after the prayer I said good bye to the Pastors and Pastor Samuel and would get an update later. The woman left the meeting disappointed because she never got to tell anyone what she needed prayer for. However, the house where the meeting was held belonged to a wealthy Indian man who had heard of the miracles God was doing and wanted the meeting held in his home. He heard my prayer of the business man and was so touched thinking I had prayed for him. I believe I did but not because I had any idea it was him. He had a meal for the Pastors after the meeting and gave each Pastor 500 Rupees because of the prayer I was led to pray. The next morning the wife had a knock on her door. It was her husband! Believing he must have escaped prison she pulled him inside and began to berate him about breaking out of prison, “Where will we go? We have to flee! What were you thinking? We must start hiding!” Finally she took a breath and her husband said, “No. They came to my cell this morning and handed me my clothes. They said get dressed all charges have been dropped you are free to go home.” It was then that she remembered the Pastor from America who prayed for someone to be released from prison. Because she had not been able to tell anyone her story she thought it had nothing to do with her, but in that moment she realized that the prayer was for her husband. She explained that to her husband who immediately praised God. He then tracked down our next meeting and arrived two hours early in order to share the good news.
The next week the Indian National Congress Party gathere0d to discuss strategy for the next meeting of the legislature. Of course this man that had been released from prison went to the meeting. However, the members did not know he had been released and were very concerned when he showed up that he had broken out of prison some how and they would get in trouble. After their initial protests he explained what had actually happened. This led to them contacting Pastor Samuel to ask for a meeting at our church with me over Skype. Up to that point we had been trying to stay under the radar due to the extreme persecution of Christians in Punjab. Pastor Samuel called me and told ne the Political leaders wanted a meeting in our church. At first I understood that they wanted to use our building to meet. This seemed rather odd considering who they were supposed to be, but I thought that the extra money could help with expenses for the ministry so I thought that would be ok. Then Pastor Samuel told me they wanted me to speak to them and share my testimony. This would mean no longer flying under the radar. We prayed and believed that God was opening a door so we had the meeting. God’s presence was powerful and many of the attendees received healings. I later learned that never in the History of Punjab had the Christian members of the Congress political party ever met together to hear the preaching of the Word of God. They were very denominationally separated, but for this meeting the Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, Catholics and Pentecostals all came together. After the meeting they told Pastor Samuel they wanted to know whenever we were meeting so they could attend as they were able, and to this day we regularly have leadership in attendance. This is especially true when I hold meetings for the Pastors.
During the Plandemic we were allowed to hold meetings as we passed out groceries after every meeting to the people who were otherwise starving. We did not require any conversion and everyone who came would receive groceries. We would project my image onto a building or screen and turn the computer so I could see the audience. Eventually we bought equipment because the rental fees did not make sense. The relationship with the political leaders allowed us to have favor with the community leaders, whether they were Christian or not. As we continued to hold meetings we planted churches. Many were saved, healed and delivered. One Hindu couple that came said they had been told they were unable to have children as the wife had a barren womb. During the meeting after hearing how God had brought me back from the dead four times, she said in her mind to God, if you are the God who brought this Pastor back from the dead four times surely you are the god who can out life in my womb. She believed and received Jesus Christ as her Savior. Five days later she came and said that she was now pregnant. That boy is just over five years old. Many, many miracles have happened at our outreaches and continue to happen.
As I mentioned earlier we began with 60 churches. Today we stand at over 1200 churches. Recently Pastor Samuel had done a survey to see how all our Pastors are doing and each one gave a count of the attendance in their churches. We have home churches, buildings we own and buildings we rent. The total that came back was over 40,000 members that meet every Sunday in some part of Punjab that consider us to be their leaders. About a year ago we had a meeting and had over 400 Pastors in attendance. We have also put in 50 Fresh Water Wells providing drinkable healthy water to nearly 150,000. This water stops the cycle of disease, sickness and shortness of life. It also stops the cycle of sexual abuse that follows the women who are forced to go and collect the water. As these women would go to the wells on wealthy farmers properties they would regularly be raped and sexually abused either going to or coming back.
This is why we started the sewing schools for the widows. The widows who would be hired to clean the houses of wealthy Indian families would be sexually assaulted in the homes because they are lower caste and have no husband to protest them. By starting the sewing schools the women no longer have to go into these homes and instead only deal with the wives doing seamstress work from their own homes.
Unfortunately, I was just recently introduced to another issue in Punjab. CHILD TRAFFICKING for sex, slave labor and organ harvesting.
Amos, 11, was abducted by gang members on a motorcycle but was able to escape by biting them and hiding in the woods. It took him six hours to get back home. We blessed him with a bicycle to make it easier for him to avoid them. His father was murdered nine years ago leaving his mom, Parveen, a Widow. He has a sister Anu Deep, 16 and a brother Joel Masih, 14. We were contacted by three other Pastors asking if we could please get bicycles for three youngsters who also are at high risk of abduction. I have now learned that the poor, children of widows and the orphans are captured off the street, sold to wealthy India households and used for sex and slave labor. Those that are not sold to the households have their organs harvested and sold to doctors for wealthy Indian families. Because they are lower caste the upper caste do not even acknowledge the issue.
We praise the Lord for the continued ministry and for the souls saved and lives changed. I will be posting some more updates soon. Please continue to pray for us and if you are able to donate that is what makes this all possible.
God bless you!
Pastor Greg