Special Council Robert Mueller and the FBI are said to have received Trump records from the GSA during the Russia investigation. The FBI and Mueller secretly went after the documents even though there was an agreement between President-Elect Trump and the transition team that said the documents were private property and would not be pursued.

By BlabberBuzz
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The 26-page report released by Senators Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Grassley (R-IA) is titled “Don’t Brief the Trump Team: How the GSA and the FBI Secretly Shared Trump Transition Team Records.”

They say that the report tells a story that has been overlooked in much of the media, but a story that is important regardless. They point out that the GSA cannot be trusted to be a neutral official in these matters, given how they have behaved around Trump’s team in the past.

The transition team learned of the secret request to retain the records at some point. However, even after they learned of this, the GSA still refused to provide the team with a copy of their records.

The report reads in part: “Instead, after denying the Trump transition team its basic legal rights to control its own information, including the opportunity to protect privileged or confidential information, the GSA turned those same records over to the Special Counsel without requiring any legal process, such as a subpoena or warrant,”


The GSA continued to retain records for months even though they had already agreed with the Trump Team that they would not do this.

Mueller is also said to have received records of 13 other individuals that worked for or had some other close tie to President Trump. The request for these records to be preserved was made by FBI Assistant Council Kevin Clinesmith, who later pleaded guilty to the crime of falsifying documents. All of this is throwing a lot of dust into the air in an investigation that ought to be kept as clean as humanly possible.